Well hey there everybody (and by everybody I mean nobody,) I am Alex Fedorko, freshman here at the University of Edinboro, and studious education major. I am currently a Secondary Education major with a focus in Literature... or to put it less pretentiously, I want to teach High School Literature. Aside from the magical world of books, I have other nerdy interests as well. (Shocking, I know.) I am also a big fan video games, indie rock music, drum sets, and Taco Bell.
Basically my goal as a teacher is to become the one guy that everyone remembers, weirdo, crazy or otherwise. I want to make a positive lasting impression on another generation in a fun and creative way, much like my Physics teacher did to me. (I know I'm going for Lit. Math is difficult man!)
Like my favorite band The Wonder Years once sang;"Lately I've been thinking about being a doctor or a teacher. Just someone who changes something. Someone who changes something...or anything."
This blog will mostly house my projects and such for my SEDU 183 Tech and Teaching class, but after that who knows... Either way, make yourself at home. There's some chips and dip on the counter if you get hungry, and most importantly, welcome aboard space cadets!