Tuesday, April 24, 2012


                                               File:Global Open Educational Resources Logo.svg

Today we were asked to look into Open Education Resources, and give our thoughts from the persective of a Learner, a Student, and a Teacher. So without further adieu:

As a Learner - OERs are easily most beneficial to the learner. For those that just want to brush up on a certain topic, or even learn something new, OERs will get you what you need to know. For example, say you wanted to reacquaint yourself with humainities... BAM . There you go. No need to thank me. Personally, I think that if I was ever curious about a new subject, or was struggling with a current one, i could turn to OER's both as a learner and a student

As a Student -  Textbooks are freaking expensive. I would much rather just get them online and from an OER, or even for an e-reader like a Kindle on Amazon. I don't think I've even cracked open one of my books for this semester (except SEDU of course... 'Sup Mr. Smith) I would much rather not spend tons of cash on books and instead opt for an OER to use only when necessary.

As a Teacher - As a teacher, OERs are tricky because you want to give your students as much outside help as possible, but at the same time you don't want the internet to basically do your job. There has to be a balance. While i could possibly see myself using OERs as "backup" in my lesson plans, its the ones like this that interest me the most. They basically give you lessons on how to to teach. So in conclusion:
 Yo Dawg - Yo Dawg, I heard you like OER's So I got you one to teach you to teach while you teach

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